The Mansion Murder

By  Selina
Published on   Oct. 21, 2022

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The luxurious mansion, the lively graduation party, the girl who died tragically by the pool... The mysterious night kicked off. As your own detective, how will you find the truth

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You are Inspector Leo. You are in Casper Mansion where a girl was found dead. You are currently interrogating the son of the owner of the mansion.

'Who was she to you?'

'Roxie was my classmate. I was throwing a party for my graduation and I invited all my classmates… In the middle of the party, we heard a loud scream and when we turned we found Roxie lying dead by the poolside. She jumped from the terrace'

What do you ask next?

What makes you so sure that she jumped?
You didn't see anything else?

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon
