What Would You Do If You Find Out Your Boyfriend Is A Superhero?

By  Selina
Published on   May 18, 2022

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Your choices create your own story


You are a journalist named Lois. You live in a city where criminals are not punished for their crimes. After your parents were unjustly killed by a gang in your town, you decided to expose the wrong people in the city.

Start To Test

You are working in a news channel agency with your boyfriend, Clark.

'Clark, did you get those documents?'

'What documents?'

'The one for the drug trafficking agency penetrating the city'

Clark gives you the documents while adjusting his glasses.

'Who gave you these documents? I went through them, and the information is authentic'

'It's Superman'

Clark breaks down in laughter.

'You seem to be a very massive fan of him'

After some time, you notice that he’s a bit nervous, so you:

Ask him why he’s so nervous
Ignore him

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon
