The Abandoned House

By  Nish
Published on   Feb. 18, 2022

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Your choices create your own story


Your name is Rosie.

Your family has been evicted from several houses, several times. You're going through a difficult time.
Your parents were offered an abandoned house by a friend, and they can no longer decline it due to financial issues.

So... the house is your new home!
But how are you going to spend your time in your new home?

Start To Test

It's already 8 p.m.

You've almost finished arranging your belongings in your new home.

The house is old, and because it has been abandoned for a long time, there is no electricity.

The only candle illuminates the dark surroundings when the sunlight doesn't come through the window.

As you're settling into your room, your sister Sylvia walks in.

Rosie, can we maybe share the same room?

What? Why?

I love you and all, but we have separate rooms, you know...

I know... but I feel a little uneasy.
I just want to stay with you.

Can I?

You know your sister is afraid of dark places, but you're also not keen on sharing a room!

You need to make a decision.

What do you do?

Give in. She can stay with you.
No way! She needs to go to her own room.

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon
