A Twisted Fate: Lesbian Love Story

By  Veronica
Published on   Jan. 17, 2022

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Your choices create your own story


You are Angela. You are on a blind date.

You are sitting in restaurant, waiting to meet Taylor, someone you’ve been chatting with on a dating app.

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I am so nervous. What if he is totally weird in real life?

A beautiful girl walks into the restaurant who chatted with the hostess before walking towards you.

Taylor: Hello, I’m Taylor.

Angela: Uhhh, hiii… I’m Angela.

Taylor: Woah, you look nothing like I imagined a ‘DarkAngel’ to be!

Angela: What are you talking about?

Taylor: Forget it. Have you been waiting long?

Angela: Um-no, just a few minutes. Sorry if I’m awkward. This is totally new to me.

Taylor: That’s fine, honey. I think it’s charming.

The waitress comes to take your order and Taylor orders for both of you. She orders your favorite dish.

Angela: How did you know I liked spaghetti?

Taylor: I just had a feeling.

So, what do you do?

Angela: I work at a bank. You?

Taylor: I manage an art gallery.

Angela: An art gallery, how awesome. I used to paint in college.

Taylor: I bet you’re a talented artist!

The rest of the date goes very nicely. You still have your inhibitions about dating a girl, but you find her very attractive.

She kissed your cheek goodbye when the date ended and now you are in your bed, thinking about what to do next…

Plan another outing with her.
Wait for her to reach out.

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon
