A New Year Murder

By  Samantha
Published on   Dec. 28, 2021

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Your choices create your own story


Your holiday break had just started. Your best friend, Melissa, suggested getting coffee on the way home.

When you arrived, the coffee shop was already full, but you were able to secure a table. You ordered a vanilla latte and a round cake.

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While you and Melissa were busy eating and talking, two boys approached you.

'Hello, ladies. Do you mind if we share the table?”

You were hesitant at first, but Melissa was quick to respond on your behalf.

'Not at all! Feel free to join us.'

'Thank you so much. We had no idea that it’s going to be full today. By the way, I am Tyler, and we attend the same university.'

'I’m Nicholas. Don't you know who I am? I'm the quarterback of our school's football team.'

'I think this is the first time we've met, I am Carol.'

'I’m Melissa. Nice to meet you.'

You exchanged handshakes. Tyler and Melissa got along since they have similar personalities, while Nicholas was tolerable but quite arrogant.

'Would you want some cake? Melissa and I cannot finish this anyway.”

'Thank goodness you asked, I'd been eyeing it for a while,' Tyler joked.

You gave him a slice and were going to offer Nicholas when he stopped you.

'No, thank you. I'm not a big fan of sweets, especially cakes. You know, I need to keep my body in shape as a star athlete.'

'Ah, right. How could I forget?'

The four of you talked some more until you noticed that it was getting late. You bid each other goodbye.

“By the way, we’d like to invite you to Nicholas’ house on the 31st for a little New Year celebration. We do this with our friends every year, and you might want to join us.”

You decide:

Agree to attend.
Let Melissa decide for the two of you.

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon
