I'm In Love With My Bestie Who Has A Stalker Bf, How Do I Win Her Love?

By  Nidhi
Published on   Jul. 10, 2023

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You are Peach Salinger, a rich heiress who has everything she wants in life but one thing--the love of her best friend Guinevere Beck! What will you do to have it?

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'Hey Beckilicious! Let's have dinner tonight, anything you want, okay?'


'Thanks for the offer, Peach. But I'm meeting Benji. I have a hot date with him!'


Why is Beck still going out with that loser? Can't she see she deserves SO much better than him? I have to do something...

Tell Beck about Benji's character.
Feign an emergency so she can't leave.
Let her go on her date.

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon
